Dr. Nancy Amendt-Lyon
I was born in New York, NY, and studied psychology in the United States, Switzerland, and Austria, earning an MA and a Dr. phil. Since 1978 I have been in private practice and work in English as well as in German with adults, either individually, as couples, or in groups (www.amendt-lyon-gestalttherapie.at). My training is in Gestalt therapy, group psychoanalysis, and psychodrama. As a young college student I was introduced to Fritz Perls by my father’s friends, Frank and Ilana Rubenfeld. Some years later, when I was already living in Austria, I met Laura Perls and invited her to conduct Gestalt therapy workshops in Austria during her summers in Europe. She became a powerful influence in my life as a teacher and mentor.
I have chaired the Austrian Association for Gestalt Therapy (ÖVG) since it was founded in 2007, hold membership in the Austrian Association for Psychotherapy (ÖBVP) and the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), where I served on the Executive Board, and draw on many years of experience training Gestalt therapists, clinical psychologists, medical doctors specializing in psychosomatic medicine, group psychoanalysts, and supervisors in Austria and abroad. My publications include numerous articles and book chapters in both of my working languages on topics relating to Gestalt therapy, gender, and issues of sociopolitical relevance. I have served on the editorial boards of several professional journals (Gestalt Review, Studies in Gestalt Therapy, Gestalttherapie: Forum für Gestaltperspektiven (Germany), Psychotherapie Forum (Austria)) and co-edited the anthology Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy, with Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, which was published in English by Springer (Vienna/New York, 2003) and subsequently in German, French, and Italian. See an updated list of my publications.